Friday, 11 December 2009

No power to do anything.

Waiting for the power to come back can't help but realise how much electricity is taken for granted. There is seriously so so little you can do to kill time. We had a black out last night and this morning on two separate occasions. Night time is definitely the worst of the two... no internet, no tv, no air conditioning plus extra heat from candles cos there's no light.... no reading, nothing to do to pass the time but maybe go to bed really early....after 2 cold showers trying to cool down. hehe! The first couple of blackouts were rather a novelty for me. I thot it was fun lighting e candles & just sitting ard the living rm chatting with family - watching the kids have nothing to do :P

Now it's gotten to the stage where the novelty has definitely worn off, they're a lot more common than I thot was possible. It's just a way of life here....and no amount of "feedback" to the govt will change this. The infrastructure is perhaps not coping with the growing demands of power?!? Who knows. Normally e blackouts occur during a storm, but yesterday it was a perfectly clear night. Thank goodness dinner was already we all had a romantic meal with candlelight.

This unexpectedly went out again just after we woke up. I was all prepared to sit by the window and read all day if need be. At least there was light to do that. But I thought about all the businesses that were at a standstill cos there were no computers to work with. And cafes with customers in them...but unable to finish cooking or collect the bill cos the cash register was out of action. eeks! So disruptive!

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