Human beings are pretty adaptive if they need to be. In Brunei, you will find no Bunnings and no Ikea. So a girl has no choice but to resort to some home DIY. We had some pieces of wood chopped up for us (a plank to be precise) and brought it home to construct together. Jin drilled and I painted (aka stained the wood so it looked slightly better). What a team!

And then it was left on our balcony to dry (not before we nearly made our housemate high from the paint thou haha!) Voila...the finished product in my bathroom....more storage now :)
Well the boy has gone home tonight so it's a quiet Sunday night to myself. It's been awhile :P The candles are lit and I'm tossing up between starting a new novel or maybe a new season of ANTM? Decisions... decisions. Hope it's been a good weekend for all. Busy week ahead so am soaking up the last of the weekend now. Think a touch of port will help too....
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