It's been WAY too quiet here on my blog....sorrreee y'all. Been in Singapore for most of the month with minimal internet access. A short trip turned into an unexpected 2 week stay which was super awesome cos that meant some quality time with daddy dearest. BLISS.
The flying in and out was centered around my bf doing Lasik. From wearing THE heaviest glasses in the world on his poor lil nose (we're talking 1000 degrees people! He is termed - legally BLIND!) to now being free of any kind of visual aid. yippeee! Check out his last photo wif his glasses EVA :P
The technology for Lasik has changed since I did my eyes, and this particular doctor was as good as they get - wif the latest equipment to increase accuracy of the procedure. But it certainly came at a cost. He prefers to operate one eye at a time, lots of tests and checks, very thorough but time consuming too. And of course, the more time u spend in his clinic, the more money he's able to charge ya! hehe! Not only is he a good doctor, but he's also a damn good businessman :P I am talking about the pretty famous.... Dr Jerry Tan at Camden Medical.
Would I recommend him? Yes if you're as blind as my bf was - cos most doctors aren't able to successfully do Lasik on such high degrees. But don't waste your money if you're only say 400 degrees and below.
Anyhoo the month of April saw me sleep in a total of 6 different beds in as little as 3 weeks. So I figured I could give ya a quick review on the few hotels we got to sample. It's just so pricey to stay in hotels in Spore these days - demand is up, and so are prices! But I did find a great deal for a brand spanking new hotel tat opened literally couple of days before we arrived. It's called Studio M - located at Robertson Quay - my absolute most fave area of Spore. Opening promo was $200 a nite wif free wireless.
A chic, modern lobby.

Designer furniture

Then in between hotel stays, I went to dad's for 2 weeks while Jin was back in Brunei working. It felt great to spend some quality time wif dad. I was also able to catch up with a few friends here and there without the usual mad rush.
When Jin came back again, we found that a night at the lovely Sentosa Resort & Spa (The Beaufort) was more affordable than any hotel in town due to the Gourmet World Summit and the volcanic ash crisis in Europe, which left hundreds of travellers stranded with no accomm. Hotel rooms doubled & tripled in price overnight - scary stuff! Felt really bad for them. And by affordable, it really wasn't.... we paid $300 a night and heard that some tourist were being charged $600 and up. eeks! Well that was bed #3 and the best room service we've had in ages! hehe!
I flew back to Brunei mid month only to be locked out of my house and had to seek refuge at Jin's place (which was bed #4) and then finally my own bed (bed #5) for only 3 nights before flying back again 4 days later for Jin's second eye Lasik surgery. Have I lost anyone yet?!?! hehe!
Bed #6 was at the Royal Plaza on Scotts - pretty old but decent and best of all, spack bang in Orchard Rd which made it extremely convenient. The room was the least exciting, with a view of a carpark next door. It was also noisy during the day - so beware. We paid $220 per night which is still considered one of the cheaper rates for Orchard Rd but not really that worth it. So that pretty much concludes my bed hopping adventures for the month.
To sign off - here's a pic... depicting an insect lying in his cocoon, waiting to spread his wings and SEE the world for the first time!

hehe! [aka jin wif his eye masks! Published wif his permission.]